Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grilled Portabello Mushroom Burger

I use these in place of hamburger meat when our family grills burgers and dogs. My husband prefers the beef, but I'm happier not having it.

Remove the stem and lightly drizzle or brush olive oil on both sides of the mushroom. To the underside of the mushroom, I sprinkle salt, onion powder and garlic powder then grill top side down to start. You're looking for the mushroom to start releasing it's liquid, which will take some time....but wait for it! If you take it off before it's had a chance to get soft and juicy it won't taste good and the center, where it's thickest, may not be cooked through. I give it a good 6-7 minutes per side and maybe more if it's thick. Add a slice of cheese before you take it off the grill and stack it on a bun with lettuce, tomato and mayo (or your favorite burger toppings).

It's meaty, without all the fat and the heavy feeling in your gut after a burger.

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