Monday, October 6, 2008


I would like to invite you to join me and hopefully others in a recipe sharing blog. I love to share recipes I've recently tried as well as recipes I've used for years or grew up on. However, I don't often share my basic recipes...the ones my family really loves, those recipes we have over and over for dinner on a regular basis; I tend to forget these recipes.

As my dad and I were talking about recipes on the phone today, I realized I needed to get a forum like this going. So here it is, a place we can share lots of different kinds of recipes. Whatever you're making for dinner, tell us about it! Tell us what sides your family loves, if you have a favorite pasta or bread recipe, what ooey-gooey dessert does your family asks for often? Share it with us! Please do not feel a need to limit yourself just to dinner, you may share your favorite breakfast, lunch or even snack recipes. Chances are, if your family likes it then someone in my family is going to like it, too.

My hope is to share administrative rights with trusted friends and family to get this blog rolling so please let me know if you would like to post a recipe and I'll gladly add you to the list so you can post, as well. I look forward to hearing what you are having for dinner tonight!

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