Thursday, October 16, 2008

Honey Carrots

This one is so simple, but everyone always says how yummy these are. You can use baby carrots for ease, but I purchase 5lbs bags of regular carrots at Sam's Club to save money. Peel, cut into rounds (I usually shoot for about 1/2 inch thick) plunk into pot. Cover with water and add a big scoop of honey. We also buy bulk honey so sometimes by the time we get to the end of the bottle the honey has started crystallizing. I use this for my carrots since I can't squeeze it onto peanut butter and honey sandwiches, which is also a favorite for my kids.

These are so yummy and do not need butter or salt!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amanda-- thanks for re-introducing this site to me... on when I asked for advice on cooking for a crowd.. it was one of those-'duh!' slap my forhead moments...

    Love this side dish-- super easy! Just right for my cooking skills...

    Oh- on a side note: Martha just got called to be our RS enrichment leader.. I told her she should contact YOU- cuz Rockville Ward is the ONLY ward in the WORLD who has a running program-- and I know you helped organize and support it!
